Shanlin Ye Reflection Series Featured at United Nations Exhibition / by John Bradley


My work Refelection Series was featured at the United Nations show that opened August 4 organized by Eye Art International and sponsored by Lufthansa. This was the grand finale show after a tour of Asia. This was a controversial show because works from North Korea were secretly spirited out of the country and exhibited. Special thanks to Alex Zheng (郑昕宇) and Cai Chenlin (蔡陈林). 

Opening ceremony Aug 4 featuring work from Shanlin Ye's Reflection series. 

Opening ceremony Aug 4 featuring work from Shanlin Ye's Reflection series. 

Reflection #5. Watercolor on paper. Shanlin Ye. 2017

Reflection #5. Watercolor on paper. Shanlin Ye. 2017

Opening ceremony August 4, 2017

Opening ceremony August 4, 2017

Reception at the United Nations August 4, 2017

Reception at the United Nations August 4, 2017

Press from the show:
